ISE Daventry Ltd provide opportunities for adults with learning difficulties to learn whilst having fun.
They offer social clubs (Monday to Friday), 1:1 PA support, plus small group support and holiday clubs in the daytime, evenings, and at the weekend.
Individuals can participate in work experience, volunteering, allotment and garden maintenance, swimming and ‘aquafit,’ public transport, and participating in social and leisure activities within the local community. Activities will be tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring a bespoke service is provided. There is a daily charge to include refreshments.
Holiday clubs are provided during all the main college holidays (including half-terms, Easter, Christmas and the summer).
- Money Skills
- IT Skills
- Gardening
- Creative Activities
- Household skills
- Community Activities
- Hygiene and Personal Care
What we offer
Fun and inclusive activities
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Days out and field trips
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Help and support groups
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Need a personalised solution?
Call us to discuss a unique package to suit you.
We accept personal budgets and private finance options are available if required.
We accept personal budgets and private finance options are available if required.