ISE Client
I'm Heidi i joined Independance for me in July 2019 just after my 19th birthday, after leaving a special needs school I'd attended for 13 years. I am the youngest member of the family unit, everyone welcomed me as part of a large family unit understanding my individual needs, i require some personal 1:1 care, which the staff have required training, this they have taken in their stride to deal with. Leaving all my friends behind was a huge change for me to deal with but that did not hinder me blending in and making new friends straight away, everyone is so friendly and so helpful. I have great sense of humour and my laughter seems to brightens everyone's day.
Since attending Independance for me, I have learned new life skills and improved the ones i already had. I enjoy cooking/baking which I have the opportunity to do weekly. Also going into the community and visiting lots of places, learning how much items cost and how to spend my money wisely. I always takes part in some form of exercise weekly, which include community dance, tai chi, shabam and swimming which i always revel in.I have grown and become so much more confident since joining.
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