Winter Newsletter 2022

Hi Everyone!

We hope that you are all keeping well and are ready to embrace the craziness and ‘busy’ness of the next few weeks.

We have a few reminders for the upcoming activities.

  • Saturday 3rd December is breakfast with Santa at Rugby Harvester: we aim to be leaving Mayfield Hall at 9:30am. The cost of the meal is £10 plus PA hourly rate. We plan to have a ‘mooch’ around Cottesbach barn emporium afterwards and return to the hall around 1:30pm.
  • Sunday 11th December, we are going to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pantomime at MK theatre. We will need to leave Mayfield at 11:15am and will let you know when we are on our journey home. We will provide a light lunch to eat on the bus. Please provide money for a drink in the interval. PA hourly rate will be invoiced for both of these events. 
  • Please note that we will be closing on Friday 23rd December this year at 2pm. 
  • To help maintain social and communication skills, we will be opening on Wednesday 28th – Friday 30th December – although this is dependent on numbers and staffing, so please let us know no later than Monday 28th November. 

We aim to have set activities for each week in December; we hope this will help us plan and try to ensure that everyone has a selection of home-made paraphernalia to take home! We will be taking small groups to Birmingham on the train, on Monday 5th, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th December. We ask that each individual has £20 o cover train, lunch and drinks, and it is likely we will be late home. Please let us know if you would like to go. However, it will be dependent on each person’s behaviour leading up to the trip!

We will also be visiting garden centres and places of interest during this exciting season.

We hope to visit the cinema for a Christmas film, but this will be mentioned on the Whatsapp group closer to the time.

In previous years, we have made Christmas wreaths with Nicky at the garden of Weedon. This year it appears to have become quite costly and we have made the decision to not book this activity. However if you would like to make one, we are considering other options. Please let us know if you want one!

A gentle reminder of our new terms and conditions from 1st January 2023 that were raised in our Autumn planner –

‘As with all other households and businesses, our outgoings/costs have also risen substantially. As you know, we had a price increase earlier this year and consequently we are loathe to pass these additional costs on to you. We are therefore asking for a retainer for holidays, or absences – this will be 50% of your usual rate. We also politely remind you that in the case of illness, 24 hours notice is required and will be charged.’


Looking ahead to 2023, we have given notice on our allotment. This was for many reasons, primarily lack of interest and opportunity to keep on top of maintenance. We hope to have some raised beds instead at Mayfield from the spring.

We also have our Valentine’s Disco on Friday 10th February to look forward to. This will be straight after closing and will finish around 7:30pm. Everyone is invited and feel free to bring a friend or family member! Transport home will not be available on that day.

Wishing you all the best for the coming season and hope everything goes smoothly and calmly.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Michelle, Karen and the team xxx